Impressum Plus 2.8.0 released
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Impressum Plus version 2.8.0 is available and comes packed with a couple of changes. Let’s take a deeper look in what’s new.
Alternative contact for phone
Until now, the phone number was defined as required field. However, this was not completely true. The European Court of Justice stated that, besides the email address, a second contact information can be used, which can be responded to within 1 hour. This is not limited to a phone number, but also includes a contact form on the website and it doesn’t care whether the data of this form is sent to the same email address defined separately in the imprint.
That’s why you can now choose between entering a phone number and selecting a page where you have a contact form added to for improved privacy of your personal data.
If you need a contact form on your website, let me recommend you our plugins Form Block Pro and Form Block.
Company purpose for Austrians
In Austria, the law, more specifically § 25 MedienG (Mediengesetz), requires to define a company purpose. In Impressum Plus 2.8.0, there is now a dedicated field for it as soon as you define Austria as country. It is enabled for all legal entities by the judicial requirements.
Overhauled user interface
The settings have always been separated by different tabs. And they still are. What’s actually new is that you can navigate more quickly between them since they’re now displaying their data via JavaScript. That means, that all settings of all tabs are already loaded on page load and the tabs just hide and show the content accordingly.
Additionally, accessibility has been approved in the settings to always submit the settings with the enter key when an input field is active. Before that change, especially on the license and API tabs, it could happen that another action is triggered by pressing the enter key.
Dynamic changelogs
The changelogs, which can be accessed by clicking on the “View details” link in the plugin’s row on the plugin list page, are now loaded dynamically and no more included in the plugin, which made them static. So after version 2.8.0, if an update is available, you can directly see in the changelog are what’s new in the update before updating. I’m not going deeper into detail here, because there will be a dedicated blog post regarding that topic, soon. So stay tuned!
Note for existing imprints
To make use of the new fields in existing imprints, especially with the block for the block editor, make sure to add them the to enable fields of the block.
That’s it
That were the biggest changes for Impressum Plus 2.8.0. For all changes, please visit the changelog in the documentation.