Form Block Pro 1.2 with local files support
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Today, the second feature update for Form Block Pro has been released with a nice new feature, and alongside Form Block 1.4.1 with a few bug fixes.
Local files
One of the biggest downside of emails is file size. Emails are not made to transfer a large amount of files, nor large files whatsoever. Usually, the limit for the most popular email providers are around 25 MiB. This may be enough most of the time, but not always. And this is where the new feature of Form Block Pro comes handy: By uploading the files to your server and not attaching them to the email, makes it possible to handle much larger files (depending on your PHP configuration) as well as keeping the size of the email much smaller, which then also improves loading times while submitting a form.
The files are stored inside a subfolder of your WordPress uploads directory, and the filename is obfuscated so that guessing it is hardly impossible. In the email you receive, you will now get a link for each file with a specific hash to download it.
Why not displaying it in the browser? For security reasons. Otherwise, code injections may be possible in malicious files, resulting in execution of harmful code on your server. Nobody wants that.
Bug fixes for Form Block
Aside of that, Form Block, the free form creation tool for forms in the block editor, got a new update with various bug fixes and yet another accessibility improvement.